The Taste of Pulses

World Pulses Day, celebrated every year on Feb. 10, is an opportunity to raise awareness of the vital role of legumes in our diet, agriculture and global sustainability.

For this occasion, the INCREASE project – Intelligent Collections of Food Legumes Genetic Resources for European Agrifood Systems, presents “The Taste of Pulses” initiative: a contest between citizens and restaurateurs to share recipes, knowledge and flavors based on legumes.

Legumes, grown on our territory in numerous species and varieties, are a very important basis for a balanced and healthy diet. They are a great source of vegetable proteins and micronutrients with a low environmental impact. Beans in particular, because of their water efficiency and due to their nitrogen-fixing capacity in the soil, are particularly advantageous in the cultivation phase, as they are an excellent ally in regenerating and maintaining a healthy soil. Let us not forget that fertile soil is the indispensable ingredient for the production of the food that feeds us.

That’s why the slogan chosen by FAO for this year is:
#Pulses: bringing diversity to agrifood systems
#Love pulses for a healthy diet and planet

Pulses are an integral part of the traditional diet; beans, chickpeas, lentils, fava beans, peas, lupins and chickling peas are present in the traditional cuisines of many regions. They are an easy and long-lasting food in its dried seed nature, and thanks to the genetic diversity it still retains today, varieties have developed that can adapt to cultivation in different microclimates.

I legumi sono parte integrante della nostra dieta tradizionale: fagioli, ceci, lenticchie, fave, piselli, lupini e cicerchie sono presenti nelle cucine locali di tutte le regioni italiane. Sono un alimento di facile e lunga conservazione nella sua natura di seme essiccato e grazie alla diversità genetica che conserva ancora oggi, si sono sviluppate varietà capaci di adattarsi alla coltivazione in diversi microclimi.